Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University (B.A.İ.B.Ü.) Faculty of Agriculture, Ministry of National Education dated 07.02.2012 and numbered 3168, 3169 and Annex-30 of the law numbered 2809 dated 28.03.1983. According to the article, it was established under the name of "Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences" with the decision numbered 2012/2852 published in the Official Gazette dated 25.03.2012 and numbered 28244 upon the approval of the Council of Ministers dated 17.02.2012. With the Presidential Decree published in the Official Gazette dated 30.06.2020 and numbered 31171, the name of our Faculty was changed to "Faculty of Agriculture".
There are 7 departments within our faculty, including the Departments of Horticulture, Plant Protection, Poultry Breeding, Field Crops, Seed Science and Technology, Wildlife Ecology and Management, and the Department of Agricultural Economics, which was opened in 2017.
Our faculty started its education and training activities by admitting its first students to the Department of Field Crops in the 2014-2015 academic year. There are master's programs in 6 departments other than Agricultural Economics, and doctoral programs in 3 departments: Horticulture, Plant Protection and Field Crops. As of the 2022-2023 academic year, 846 students, including 702 undergraduate, 113 master's and 31 doctoral students, continue their education in our faculty.
Our faculty moved to its building, the foundation of which was laid in 2014, in June 2018. In addition to classrooms and faculty offices in our faculty building; Education and practice opportunities are provided to our academic staff and students with climate rooms, cold storages, mushroom shops, heated greenhouses and laboratories. In addition, in order for our students to access effective and universal information more easily, there is an internet connection in the classrooms and projection devices and computer systems are used.
Our faculty had its first graduates from the Department of Field Crops in the 2017-2018 academic year. At the end of the 2018-2019 academic year, in addition to Field Crops, it started to graduate from the Departments of Horticulture, Plant Protection and Poultry Breeding.
Our R&D studies continue increasingly with various projects carried out in cooperation with public institutions and private organizations at our faculty. Most of the work required for the creation and production of closed fruit gardens, vegetable and field crop production parcels for our students to do their practice areas and internships has been completed, and our work to complete the others continues rapidly.
Although it is a new faculty at the time of its establishment, the Faculty of Agriculture is growing rapidly and strategically; It aims to train young, dynamic and constantly improving Agricultural Engineers who follow national and international innovations in their field.