About the Plant Protection Department
It includes Entomology and Phytopathology Departments within the Plant Protection Department.The mission of both Departments is to provide our students with comprehensive information about diseases and pests that threaten plant production and to direct them to research.Our department applies new teaching techniques to convey current developments to students in these rapidly developing disciplines, and by expanding its staff, it gains experts of high scientific quality who will conduct research and give lectures in new fields.
Within the Department of Entomology, there are Acarology, Entomology and Nematology Departments; within the Department of Phytopathology, there are Bacteriology, Mycology, Virology and Herbology Departments and many courses on these subjects are given by the experts of the subject by following the latest developments. The training provided in both departments includes classical lectures, classroom discussions, student presentations, laboratory practices and seminars. Students are expected to learn scientific problem-solving techniques, understand and analyze the research articles they read.
Our undergraduate students have the opportunity to take part in research projects carried out in the laboratories of our expert faculty members during the semester and summer months, and they can reinforce the theoretical education they receive with applications. Our students are encouraged to receive practical training at universities and other research centers both within the department and within the framework of joint projects.
Our department program provides our undergraduate students with the basic knowledge and practical skills necessary for them to step into a successful career with the research opportunities offered. After graduation, it is ensured that they gain all kinds of equipment in order to be a researcher in basic and applied sciences, to be a technical staff in the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Livestock or to work in private agriculture and pharmaceutical companies.
Department History
Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Sciences was established with the decision of the Council of Ministers dated 17.2.2012 and numbered 2012/2852. The name of the faculty was changed to the Faculty of Agriculture with the Presidential Decision dated 29.6.2020 and numbered 2704. Our department, which is among the founding departments of the faculty, continues to provide education with its academic staff consisting of 5 professors, 2 associate professors, 1 doctor faculty member and 2 Research Assistants. Faculty members of our department cooperate within and outside the department in order to solve complex plant production problems in fields such as microbial ecology, pathological physiology, plant diseases epidemiology, agricultural biotechnology, nematology, population genetics, biological warfare, etc. Our graduates can easily find job opportunities in various universities and other research centers, in the Ministry of Agriculture, various agricultural pharmaceutical sectors and companies.
M.A. & M.Sc. and Ph. D.
The Department of Plant Protection offers master's and doctoral education as the Department of Plant Protection within the Graduate School of Education. Our students can follow the developing areas in comprehensive courses where the current literature is followed. In the first year of their education, it is aimed for our students to get to know the laboratories by doing internships in different laboratories within the department and to choose their master's and doctoral subjects in a healthier way by directly interacting with the faculty members in the research environment.